Alex Sklavos is an extremely rare commodity in the legal profession; he’s a lawyer with compassion, who fights vigorously for the rights of children and his client. I came to Alex, after I was divorced, with a very contentious situation. Two previous lawyers failed to protect me & my children yet, succeeded in charging me hundreds of thousands of dollars, Alex immediately took my case to insure my children were safe and well taken care of. I went from being an abused ex-spouse, without much monetary support, to Alex getting me an order of protection, which ultimately ended in my being awarded sole custody of my children. After years of fighting with my ex,
I now have peace, my children are seeing a therapist, they are starting a prestigious private school in the fall and a monetary settlement with my ex is nearing a close; none of which would have been possible without Alex standing up for us. After seeing my ex-husband run circles around 2 other lawyers, Alex got results like no one had before. He stood up for the rights of my children and me and never once backed down. He walked me through each and every legal step in the post-divorce process, he explained the ins and outs of the Judicial system as well as his strategies for achieving our goals. He knew all the players and was obviously respected by the Court and co-counsel. Alex Sklavos stands out amongst matrimonial attorneys as a example for the rest to follow.
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